Peanut Butter. It’s a classic. I may or may not have an allergy to it, it burns my lips. My fiancee says this is probably an allergy, I just thought that happened to everyone. Are you shocked yet that I made it through childhood and adolescence with less than a handful of ER trips?
The store bought stuff has hydrogenated oils, sugar, and other stuff that I can’t pronounce. Why do you want to avoid hydrogenated oils? Click here.
We get peanuts from Friends & Farms and with those peanuts I like to make peanut butter. The peanuts we get however, are not what is traditionally used for peanut butter. Valencia Peanuts have more oil and typically are used to make peanut butter. They give that burnt orange/brown color when pureed.
The peanuts we get are Virginia peanuts, which give a more cream color when pureed.
Peanut butter goes great in just about everything, so I like to make peanut butter for all my cooking. And you can’t forget Peanut Butter & Jelly. The venerable grand daddy of sandwiches across America. Kids across the USA eat PB&J everyday. Why not make a PB&J with some grade A gourmet PB that won’t cost you much.
This also makes a for a great Christmas gift to a friend/office mate.I’m warning you though, you might get the stink eye if you pass this off to a family member as a gift.
1 lb. Peanuts
1 Cup of Peanut Oil
*Optional Confectioners Sugar*
Roast your peanuts in the oven at 350F. This should allow you to shell the peanuts. Don’t burn the peanuts, be sure you watch them and make sure they don’t burn.
Once the peanuts are roasted (you’ll see the skin of the peanut to begin peeling back). Let them cool, now peel them. This will take a while.
Once the peanuts are shelled, put them in a food processor.
Pulse them so they are fine and grounded. Now add your oil and sugar. You’ll want to run the food processor if you can tolerate for as long as five minutes. The longer you process them, the smoother the peanut butter is.
This is pure Virginia PB below, I mixed some Valencia into the PB above. Enjoy