Coffee Ice Cream is a sinful creation handed down by the coffee gods to torment mankind. Why? Because it tastes so damn good all you want to do is shove it down your gullet everyday for all-time! Plus coffee ice cream gives you that nice little coffee kick. But lets say you can’t have too much coffee ice cream because of the obvious reasons, the next best thing is to use less coffee ice cream, but putting it in a float!
What is a float? Evidently this is a thing that white people created a long time ago that makes soda or a drink into some sort of ice cream concoction. The closest thing Iranians have to a float is Majoon, which is sort of blended date shake. Floats were invented in the late 1870s by an inventor from the state of everything delicious, Pennsylvania, legend has it that one hot day the inventor lacked anymore ice to put in his soda so he plopped in a scoop of ice cream and bingo bango you have the first ever float!
So what the hell is a coffee ice cream float? It’s a delicious simple ice cream drink that you can make anytime, it doesn’t have to be summer. I made this float by taking some fresh coffee, adding a touch of honey, and then a scoop of coffee ice cream. Now you’re going to say, that’s not a real float! Well you’re probably right, but what the hell else am I supposed to call this delicious concoction I made? Plus the SEO robots will prefer ice cream float than delicious coffee ice cream drink thing. Semantics aside, this is delicious and needs to be in your life.
Recipe – Coffee Ice Cream Float
1 Cup of Coffee- Cold
1 Scoop of Coffee Ice Cream
1 Tbsp. of Honey
Step 1 – Mix coffee and honey together
Step 2- Add ice cream. Allow it to settle a little a bit in the cup then enjoy the coffee drink ride.